Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
I'll disagree with some of your "Facts":

1. Yes, Thousands of blacks are killed by blacks yearly. Yet to say it's only publicized a fraction in the news media is 100% false. I don't know where your news source for daily information but there have and still is heavy reports on black on black crime, blacks homicides is higher than average, etc. You most likely won't hear to much about every community outreach that are proactively getting involved in the black community becase the media cares little about that and possibly your overlooking it as well. Incidents like this doesn't reflect black communities everywhere.
What's another FACT is that whites are mostly killed by whites and according to last year FBI uniform report more whites were killed than blacks, where's the report on white on white murders ?

2. Please give the link to your source on that 1/4. There's current and past incident cases that prove or at least shows the scale of actions lean towards blacks being profile more. Rioting and looting have happen in all communities before so why are you putting emphasis in the blacks?

3. & 4. That's the conflicting information. Why release this info after a couple days of the shooting instead of from the beginning? Police chief states at first he's suspected but it's not him, yet changed his statement later on. Same response to when he said that officer wasn't notified nor in the area searching for a robber suspect. Now there's more altering statement and witnesses. None of these "facts" are conclusive just your opinion.

I think until the investigation is complete, let's not jump to conclusions. And enough with these thugs label. He a thug , she a thug , they a thug, it's ridiculous. There's a difference to me between a person committed to crimes for profits (thugs) than for opportunity (hoodlums). Don't know why would anyone assume that incidence like this leads to an automatic martyr amongst us (blacks) nationwide. Geez.
Ivy, how about you visit a local black neighborhood and gets some of their viewpoints?

right first he wasn't a robbery suspect, now he is

sounds like bullshit