"Ivy, how about you visit a local black neighborhood and gets some of their viewpoints."

I used to do that for a lot of reasons. I coached soccer in the Central Brooklyn soccer league, and I played street soccer for fun in a Haitian area whichi was in Ave J area.

I also find myself in black Harlem from time to time.

In those areas all the younger guys wanted to have a good time playing the game we all love.

I loved those guys we had a lot of fun. Hardly any white people their because of fear white people of the area. I even took my oldest son when he was a little kid to play. They always treated us very nice.

My daughter the communist always thought I was prejudiced. She never got I am only prejudiced against bad people no mater what color they are.

Once my youngest son was jumped by 5 black guys around 16 yrs old when he was 11 they took a new bike I just bought for him. Normally I would just buy him another bike. He gave up the bike and they hit him anyway. I found out when the cops brought him home. He told me they caught two of them and were canvassing the area looking for the rest. I jumped into his police car with my son and went to the park.

Cops found 1 other one, but no bike. They passed what they steal to another guy. That is there plan just in case they get caught. They deny and they don't have what they stole anymore.

Now these guys stole from me and hurt my son. So you can safely say I was extremely prejudiced against them.

I go to the preceint we press charges. I see one go there mothers their trying to tell us their son was a good boy smile he was 15 so nothing was really going to happen to him. At least he and his mother thought that.

I told his mother he should have aborted her fucking son. I got a little carried away. Some other cops tried to shut me up and I told them how I feel about most cops in general. Someone might think I was also prejudiced against them.

Months later we go to court. My son can not even remember what they looked like any more. So he told the truth and they were let go.

But I remembered what they looked like, but I was not there when he was at racked and robbed. The arresting cops were in the same boat as I.

But we did manage to get some of there home addresses. One was the 15 yr old and his mother lived.

I found out some time later they both were victims of a home invasion done by some black guys. It was just more of black on black crime

only the unloved hate