Years ago their was a fight between some black and some Irish in Gerritsen Beach here in Brooklyn.

Next day Al Sharpton shows up with 5 bus loads of agitators. It a very small area with a few soccer fields and baseball diamonds. They just walked around the place was deserted. So they left and found their way to Marine park.

They had some soft ball equipment and started to play soft ball. Hoping the white people will start with them. It is mostly a white area I lived there before I bought my other house.

There were black cricket players and their families that started to come here to play. Because there was too much crime in the park they used to play in. We all know why they played at Marine park. We could appreciate their crime problem where they live.

Now sharptons crew did not know that, and they did not know people in Marine park like to mind their own business.

Then no action so Sharpton and his people go to King Plaza next looking for more trouble. I asked Sharpton before he left who won the game smile

Then I saw him walking inking Plaza I said al nice sweat suit.

only the unloved hate