Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Fact #1: There are countless number of murders of blacks by other blacks every year. Yet we don't hear a fraction of the news about that that we do when a white cop shoots a black suspect. Nor are there the kind of riots we're seeing. What does it say about the value of life the black community puts on it's own people when the only thing that gets them up in arms, and rioting and looting, is when a white person is the shooter?

Fact #2: Only about 1/4 of the police shootings involve a white cop and a black suspect. Yet it's only in that minority that we see constant accusations of "racism" or "profiling" being made. And it's only in the black community that we see rioting and looting like this.

Fact #3: In case you haven't, watch the video of the store robbery. Michael Brown and his buddy waltz in there like they own the place, steal the cigars, and then push the owner around on their way out.


Fact #4: Listen to the caller below, who was among the first to give the police officer's account of what happened. Considering the way Brown comes across on camera, the autopsy showed he wasn't shot in the back (not to mention had marijuana in his system), and the cop actually did suspect Brown had been involved in the strong-arm robbery, I tend to give the officer and this caller every benefit of the doubt.


In my opinion, based on what I've seen so far, Brown was just another common thug. But, like Treyvon Martin before him, many in the black community (and liberals in the media) are trying to paint him as some sort of martyr, all the while ignoring the bigger problems they have that give rise to punks like Brown. And then others, far from honest outrage but simply to exploit the situation, ravage their own community.

u need to be more concerned with the chained up five year olds all over utah

witnesses said he was shot with his hands up while trying to surrender

the only known fact of the case is he was shot between 6-8 times and twice in the head

in broad daylight while unarmed.......