Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
I was thinking on posting a Ferguson thread but knew it will be a fiasco. Someone bound to get banned and cause a trolling fuss, race baited, etc. I'm just wanted to get to the discussion of deadly excessive force that was uncalled action. There's of course the focus on the opportunistic looters, that's just plain despicable. It's foolish to riot and do property damage in your own community but these handful or so hoodlums gives the entire protest a bad image.

I want to see fair justice like the next person but without the protests, march, media interference, Jesse jackson, etc. Just the parents , witnesses, perpetrator , and have a private investigation into the matter. Too much busybodies and instigators makes it difficult to stay on track.

Yes our country's ethnic discrimination will happen and that's not going to change period. It's America's ugly scar.

Objective and intelligent. Everything that Cook County's posts lack. With Cook the lines are drawn. There's no middle ground or room for discussion. Everything is Whitey's fault. And when Whitey doesn't see things his way, Whitey's a racist.

So thanks for weighing in, BF smile.

the brother you're brown nosing and everybody else read your evil remarks in the thread

"shoot the animals dead" and "give them something to cry about"

whitey will give a brother a grant to start a business for being a minority

you should go find a black person to berate in real life