And you're loving all of it, aren't you fathersson.. grin ???

Note to Mickey....not sure what makes you think I'm taking the argument 'personally'.

Or even what makes you think it's an 'argument'!
At the very most, I would call it a debate.

What I'm doing is calmly (but with a smidgen of glee) continueing the 'discussion' by countering your points with points of my own...

...which by the way all lead to the conclusion, which is not open to interpretation...that Fredo didn't know... wink

Which, by the way I know for sure.

Now Mickey, I think it's time for YOU to relax & take a deep breath, and unless you can come up with more 'opinions' to contribute with, sit back and wait until 6pm Eastern time at which point I am absent for the next couple of days cool !!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.