Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Stevie had control of at least half-a-dozen construction companies through 282 when that local was still a force. It's hardly a secret.

I know that but I'm just wondering why not list them specifically?

Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Though its his prerogative what info he divulges.

He has no obligation to share any information. With a bunch of strangers on an internet forum.

His comfort level may be different than yours and shouldn't be criticised for this. I'dve thought you'd respect that Ivy.

Nobody is saying it isn't his prerogative or that he has an obligation. And, while it may not be his reason, I've often gotten the feeling that some are intentionally coy about things. You know, throwing out a teaser but then holding back so they can appear like they know some real "inside" stuff.

Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Ivy I get your point ,But there is always a chance that i could say something out of line.Not saying that that would have been ,but again ,like Sonny said i am the one that has that call.
If i was quoting from internet or newspapers or FBI reports ,that would be a different story.
But i am talking what i know or what i seen or from family ECT. I think you get the point.

I do understand where u are coming from ,cos i see people say and reveal there source,I do not have that luxury.

And please why does everything have to be like beating a dead horse, when having an interaction on here with you..

If you mean your personal family, then I get the reason for you holding back. But otherwise, I don't think you being more specific would be "out of line." Like I said, you being more specific wouldn't exactly hurt anyone. Just saying.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 08/16/14 08:36 AM.

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