Crea and Barney have construction company's or are the man, behind the front man.
They are both involved in the large construction jobs,I am not saying who owns what cos i never see it posted here.
And i never see the names of the outfits posted .The last real big one or they had was the A.C. convention center and the Sheraton Hotel connected to it.(and others)

Philly don't have the mega construction outfits connected to them any more (as far as i know)

Philly does the gambling and shylocking here,and with that the prostitution or the extortion of the people connected to it.
And the drugs,and the things that go with that.

There are a few N.Y. guys that were or are connected to the strip joints .

Nick jr. had, or had a front guy, that was operating one of those joints during the investigation of the Texas thing.(and before)It was on New York ave.(obviously a Lucchese joint)or and just associates.

There are a few big outfits gaining ground around here ,but they have not been in the news yet ,so i will not say the company's name..But they are no pushovers.....

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."