@ivyleague I've really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt over the past few months, but man, you make it tough.

Cookcounty may engage in some half-assed trolling, but you're no better from the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Pick your poison, a troll is a troll. You utilize manipulative wordplay & "poor me" angles in order to let the mods here continue to let you post.

I mean, cmon, this guy just called cookcounty a "sack of shit", dircted a hurtful racial slur at him, called ChiTown a liar (as well as several other serious insults, none of which are true, of course), but all that is okay, because he followed it up with "fair enough" when one of the mods e-spanked him.

Let's be frank here: any one of us who isn't in on their little clique would've been promptly banned for any one of those comments.

For someone who contributes absolutely nothing to Outfit-related discussion, you sure do run a whole lot of motherfucking diarrhea out of that slack-jaw in Outfit-related threads.

^^Again, a troll's a troll.^^

And stop christening others as fanboys. You're the world wide web's #1 Undisputed Thumb-Sucking King Of The Cosa Nostra Fanboys. Every waking minute of your existence is devoted to these diabetic goombas.

Last edited by HuronSocialAthletic; 08/15/14 01:38 PM.