Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
Originally Posted By: The_Chin
illegal games = tax free
vegas = government

Once again you are missing the point. Tax free or not you'll be treated BETTER at a casino (which they are everywhere in NOLA now) than you would at some back room game where the stakes will be no where near the amount you can play for at the big places.

They don't have to go to Vegas, casinos are everywhere in Louisiana and Mississippi. Do you know anything about NOLA other than what you read on Wiki? Some of us have actually put our feet down there more than once and know what we are talking about.

Even though there are still examples, I think that's why you don't hear about mob-run backroom illegal casinos as much as in the past. Just like the state lottery cut into the illegal numbers racket, state or Indian casinos have cut into that racket. It's why sports betting is the mainstay of the modern day mob more than ever.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.