Originally Posted By: cookcounty
u swore up and down that grand avenue was defunct.....u were wrong

casey szflarski was in a money making position

now u say chicago doesn't have a certain hierarchy

i wish i had the view from your window

Excuse me, Mr. Lying Sack of Shit, but we went through this the last time you made this accusation. I asked you to show me where I ever said the Grand Avenue crew was defunct. You couldn't. Probably can't even figure out how to use the search function.

And yes, Casey Szflarski is a good example of what I was talking about. He was in a position to run lucrative video poker operations for the Outfit (due largely to his family connections to the Carusos) but he is not in the Outfit's hierarchy, i.e. he is not in the administration or a crew boss.

By the way, cook, shouldn't you be looting stores in St. Louis right now?

Last edited by IvyLeague; 08/15/14 10:23 AM.

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