Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Crash
Stanfa makes Merlino.. Stanfa is a boss, Merlino tries to kill a boss .. Totally breaks the rules of the commission and the 5 families dont do anything?
Stanfa goes to Jail and then Merlino has a ceremony and makes Nalalie ...and Then makes Ralph Natalie the boss. !!! Natalie gets arrested and then cooperates.. And Merlino made him..NYC does nothing ? At the very least i would of thought NYC or the other cities wouldnt recognize Merlino.

That stuff all happened post-commission. I don't care how many times people bring up the 2004 meeting or even the Massino meeting, those were more like informal get-togethers. By the mid '90s the New York families had so many of their own problems that no one cared.

And today? Pfffft. They can make whoever the Hell they want down there. No one in New York gives a shit.

you said it brother

NY has not given a shit about anything but NY for a decade or two

they got enough of their own problems and they wouldnt make a ton of money from philly anyway they are fighting over the spoils as it is with a small family