Yes, its time to talk about Spy movies......pretty damn popular it seems, at least in its current form, formula, and genre-definitions since the 1960's....

Howevever my fellow gangsters, here is a rule. Lets not discuss any Bond movies in this thread. I'll have a seperate thread for that darn limey agent sometime in the future(so there would be enough independent room for folks to post how much the last few 007 flicks sucked), but instead lets talk spy movies without Mr. Bond.

Me, I quite dug THE BOURNE IDENTITY and the recent sequel THE BOURNE SUPREMACY. The first film was a burst of fresh air from all the Bond and Mission:Impossible-type movies out there. Not to mention that because of this movie is why I actually think of Mr. Matt Damon as an "actor" now. I mean before BOURNE, I never bothered to watch any of the movies he was featured in(save for DOGMA and all those Kevin Smith movies). Now after seeing Damon's work like THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY and GOOD WILL HUNTING, he IS a good actor and has a good future in front of him...unlike his fellow friend-actor "Ben".

Meanwhile, the sequel(and one of a handful of movies from this summer I actually liked) was while not as good as the first film, it was a pretty solid good sequel. Of course, the much-bitchslapped camera work didn't leave me sick or disoriented or whatever that 70% of the internet keeps repeating. Of course maybe I'm tolerant after all the crap by Michael Bay and McG I've been through, you know like a vaccine or something.

Anyway post your favorite non-BOND spy movies, or cap the back of my skull with a silencer, whatever comes up first.