Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Very interesting Serpiente. Previte is a huge question mark. People still debate his bona fides.

I think he wasn't really a made guy but was a guy Stanfa had "around"him for his size and earning capabilities. If you read "The Last Gangster" by George Anastasia, GA subtly implies the legitimacy of Previte's making "ceremony" was questionable.

He was a guy who brought big envelopes to guys like Stanfa, Natale and Merlino. I think they saw him as a mark. Unfortunately for Stanfa, Natale and Merlino, Previte played them worse then they played him.

But made? I don't think so. Capo? Hell no.

Tell you what, the guy was and is disgusting ,but got to give it to him ,some of these guys obviously paid him.

Also i do not know if they did not put anyone with him ,but he was always traveling alone.He would not of lasted long doing that .This guy was pushing some buttons.

And i think you and many Philly guys,and Philly posters do not think he had his button..

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."