Okay then.

I didn't say that TV is the source of the worlds problems. Your taking the argument to such an undeservedly macro level.

We should just ignore negative messages sent to the youth on these forms of media???

I don't know if you attend UB because you live in Buffalo, or live there because you attend UB.
I attend UB because a.) It's academically the #30th ranked school in the nation and b.) It's within an hours drive of my house.

I was accepted at Syracuse and elsewhere, so...there were several factors effecting my decision.

the concept of in loco parentis ...
So it's wrong for school to be a "parent," but we should give television, the ultimate pseudo parent, unlimited access?

If you honestly think that taking shows off the air are gonna solve the world's problems I don't know what to tell you.
I never said that, so...

I never saw a defense lawyer say little Johnny was innocent because his mother didn't watch what he watched on tv. That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of.
What's retarded is your attitude towards what is being projected towards us, as consumers, on television, and how it affects our children. And I'd appreciate you not calling my argument retarded, thanks. :rolleyes:

Then those parents shouldn't be parents, as Beth said. I don't think ALL blame should be put on parents, but most of it, hell yes.
It's a sad fact of life that people who SHOULDN'T become parents often DO. So ho-hum. What, are we going to regulate who can have kids now?

I agree, blame should fall upon their parents, first and foremost, and not television, or whatnot. But to say that TV, any TV, or radio, is completely acceptable when it projects X-rated style programming and such...there should be some kind of standard.

Or have we, as a society, come to accept these loose moral standards as the norm?