Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
It's simple, as LaLou said there is no family there anymore. I don't doubt there are guys still operating there but not as a true family.

There is not even good money in illegal card games these days. Why risk it when you can go to the casino and get a better shot to win than in a rigged game unless you are looking for money from a shy.

I think it was Gagliano that scammed some casinos in Biloxi, that shows you how bad things are in NOLA for this so called family.

Ivy nailed it on the head. They were dead in the 90's and the Gambino's and Genovese's probably only let the remnants of what was left tag along out of respect for Nola being the first ones on the block and to have someone local on the scene to watch the scam.

There's really not that much money to be made in illegal card games. There are casinos statewide in Louisiana and to think they are pulling some 80K "Executive Game" like in the Sopranos is just comical.

Sure you have your books and whatnot, but every few years the state police crack down and arrest a boatload of people associated with illegal gambling, which once again, there's never any mention of LCN or Nola being alive.

One guy gets caught with a "Assassin Van" with a 77 year old driver and every mob groupie comes out of he woodwork in Louisiana claiming the family is stronger than ever!! rolleyes

Hey Dixie...Geaux Tigers! wink

Last edited by LaLouisiane; 08/13/14 12:45 PM.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"