Originally posted by plawrence:
We're talking about a national referendum here, which would include only people of voting age.
That's where our system is messed up. Pretty much everything you listed is stuff that revolves around the youth. We should make the judgment. You seem to use the quote, "How will this effect me?" How is the taking away of Rap music going to help you or someone else? How is prayer in schools going to effect you? We (teenagers) hate to admit it, but we're very faithful, meaning that we pray a lot and have strong faith in God. That doesn't mean we're religious and go to church. I, for one, haven't been to church in years. It's just one of the few things we hide from adults. All of those things you mentioned that you think people would get rid of are things that effect ME directly, not you, not someone who isn't a member of the youth (no offense).

Here are the things you listed:

Pre-marital sex: I most likely will wait until I'm out of high school, but I highly doubt my only partner will be my wife.

Certain other sexual practices between consenting adults (homosexuality, sodomy, etc.): What people do in the bedroom is their choice.

Pornography on the internet: No way. Filters can be bought. If people are offended by it so much or don't want their kids to see it, block it.

Any pornography at all, for that matter: Porn makers aren't forcing people to watch their movies. (See above)

Gambling: I think it should be limited, but outlawed? Not a chance in hell.

Rap music: One of the few freedoms I have in a day. I don't know where I'd be without music. It's the only thing that doesn't judge you and it accepts you for who you are.

Censorship or complete elimination of certain unpopular political views, such as Communism or Nazism: If we ever tried to wipe communism off the face of the earth, I'd fight to NOT have it taken away. Just because we don't believe it's right doesn't mean people of another country don't.

The return of prayer to the public schools: I am against that.

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur