Originally Posted By: The_Chin
Wikipedia and other sites that shows me facts, I feel I can trust more than people on a forum - no offense, I want peoples opinions otherwise I wouldn't have started this thread. But how do you know and how do people suddenly know everything about the Outfit without information to back it up?

I'm not in this. I never post about Chicago. But Wikipedia is a terrible place for this type of subject matter. Anyone can change those entries to suit their agenda. Quick case in point: They gave Patsy Parrello two sons that he never had on Wikipedia, which was especially hurtful because Patsy Junior was murdered. These entries are made by cocksuckers with no fucking lives. They should seriously suffer for making a family relive that kind of pain mad.

And not every little thing can be backed up with links. I don't know where you're from, how old you are, any of that. But when you actually grow up among these guys, not everything can be backed up with a link. That's all I'm saying.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.