How come when Hillary came out with a book titled, "It takes a village", the likes of Bob Dole emphatically stated it doesn't take a village, but parents to raise a child. Now years later people argue it "takes a village".

The last time I checked Howard Stern came on at 11:00 at night. If some ho in a crack house can't watch her kids at 11:00 at night and prevent them from watching Howard Stern that's her problem. Maybe I might want to see some woman get her vagina licked by some fat tube at 11:00 at night. As a tax paying American it is my right too. Come to think of it, obese people make me f*ucking sick. I don't want some 300 lb hippo on tv anymore. They should not be allowed to sit next me on the bus. If they take up 2 seats, by God make that cow pay for 2 seats. After all, it's what I WANT.

Sorry, I'm not gonna have some "soccer mom" in her SUV, toting her brats to practice while her husband is problably f*cking his secratary while she does this, tell ME what I can watch on tv. There's v-chips in tv's now and cable has "parental controls" on them. If Jane Doe cant' control her kids, she shouldn't have them. No one told me how to raise my kid, I'm not gonna tell someone else how to raise theirs.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.