Originally posted by Krlea:
Plawrence- Believe me I do agree with you but at the same time, you can say "Don't watch it" over and over again but that's not going to matter to many Americans. Yes you are a responsible parent but so many aren't. Parents can't watch their kids ALL the time. Don't they have a right to protect their kids?
Of course they do. I just don't think it's the job of the government to do the job for the parents.

And some members of the "moral majority" or religious right might not consider me a responsible parent for allowing a 15 year old watch some of the things that I allow mine to watch.

Yes I believe in the slippery slope, but honestly do you ever think it will really get that far. I don't think it will in a Democracy like ours. We have a gov't that is set up to NOT allow that type of thing to happen. People like yourself won't let it happen, and that's a good thing.
People like myself are, I think, increasingly becoming the minority.

Who knows what will happen years down the road? Constitutional ammendments, anyone?

The argument for protecting young children from certain things on TV and radio is a strong and sometimes compelling one, and if that were the only issue, I might be inclined to agree.

The thing is, though, that those who would seek to censor this stuff wish to do so for other reasons than simply the protection of children.

They have a much larger agenda. They seek to impose their moral viewpoints on all of us. Adults as well.

In a free society, we sometimes have to pay a price to keep our freedoms intact. If the price for not having government censorship of the media is that some children, who are not properly supervised by their parents, have the opportunity to view or hear things that may be unsuitable for minors, that is, I believe, a small price to pay.

"Difficult....not impossible"