Originally posted by Double-J:
I don't think the majority should control the minority, no.
I assume you mean that the other way around...

Originally posted by plawrence:
Wait until the government starts to figure that they have to start regulating the internet.

Then censoring cable.

It's a slippery slope.....
Originally posted by Double-J:
In my opinion, you're taking this whole situation to undeserved Orwellian proportions.
I'm not say this is gonna happen tomorrow or next week or next month or next year.

That's the "slippery slope" concept. Once we start....

Originally posted by plawrence:
Beautiful. The first step towards censoring political content. I guess will all be watching only Mary Poppins soon

Just what this country needs. Five beaurocrats in Washington telling us what we can watch and listen to and what we can't.
Originally posted by Double-J
A pure example of pointless left-side overkill. I'm talking about censoring programs inappropriate for minors, not taking away anyones 1st Amendment rights.
Again, the slippery slope.

Let the parents be responsible for what their minor children watch, not the government.

I have a 15 year old son who loves to watch movies with me, and is fairly intelligent and astute with his observations and analysis of what we watch together.

We've watched any number of films, most have which have been discussed on these boards, that contain partial nudity, profanity, sexual innuendo, etc.

I consider him to be mature enough to handle it, so I allow him to see it.

The point is, it's my decision.

I don't need the government to decide what is or isn't inappropriate for him to see. His mother and I are doing a fine job, thank you. And if someone thinks we're not, well, that's too bad.

"The airwaves belong to the people", as the FCC says.

Let the people decide what is appropriate and what isn't by choosing what they watch and listen to and what they don't.

"Difficult....not impossible"