I'm a huge fan of Robin Williams. I loved his stand-up routines and whenever he was a guest on any show, you were assured of a dynamic, first-rate off-the-cuff performance. His style was unique and without equal.

My mother's first-cousin, Corky, was an actor in Hollywood, who had roles in many shows in the 70s. He was friends with Williams before the Mork phenomenon. While several family members met Williams through Corky over the years, neither I nor my immediate family had the pleasure.

On St. Patrick's Day night in 1981 or 82 Corky was hit by a car in LA and was in a coma for days. he was in the hospital a few days before he was identified, and it was Williams who notified the family. Williams also paid much of the medical expenses. Corky struggled after the injury and had few roles thereafter. He died in his early 60s about 12 years ago. Williams offered to pay for the service and apologized to my mom's aunt for not attending the funeral across the country. Apparently Williams has paid for many funerals of friends and family members of friends.

By the way another generous actor, who let Corky live with him in his house when Corky was struggling for parts, was Jack Lemmon. I never knew how generous he was until both had died.