Do you really find it fair that one person who was offended can effectively take away the rights of millions of people who were not offended?
I don't think the majority should control the minority, no. But wouldn't you agree that that type of procedure has happened in other areas beforehand.

Enough of the editing. ENOUGH.
The rules about sales to minors should be enforced. This is why I don't think Stern can be on public airwaves, because of the fact that minors can listen to his program.

I guess it's gonna be Saving Ryan's Privates instead...
Shaving Private Ryan?

Sorry! I couldn't resist!
I'm glad someone noticed the double entendre.

The FCC has always been pretty rigid about imposing penalties for airing indecent content during hours when children were likely to be among the audience.
I agree. I mean, I think if they wanted to show it in it's entirety, it shouldn't have been on before maybe 9:00 PM (I don't know the FCC guidelines). If it would have been slightly edited (obviously for some content), which the contract doesn't allow as I understand, it could've been shown in it's proper time slot.

Wait until the government starts to figure that they have to start regulating the internet.

Then censoring cable.

It's a slippery slope.....
In my opinion, you're taking this whole situation to undeserved Orwellian proportions.

When they sart regulating the internet, you may no be allowed to write "dick" or "fucking".
Even if somehow (and it's not), how would you regulate the global internet? It would be like interpol - no effective power to do anything.

Apparently you were watching, though. Why didn't you simply turn it off if you were offended?
I was flicking through the channels, and when it came on, I decided to see what the hell show was on my satellite TV. I found out.


Icon 1 posted November 13, 2004 03:49 AM Profile for plawrence Email plawrence Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote

quote:Originally posted by Double-J:
I think the FCC is moving in the right direction, but at the wrong things - I don't need to see this crap on my TV, such as a Viagra/Cialis/dick enhancer every 5 minutes, or an ad for a fucking tampon. It's rather tacky, and in my humble opinion, is quite intrusive.

And as long as we're at it, let's get ALL the fucking drug ads off the air, because they are quite annoying and pointless, since most don't even tell you what to do.

When they sart regulating the internet, you may no be allowed to write "dick" or "fucking".

quote: there is quite a bit of things I find inappropriate (i.e. Sex in the City on TBS last night, talking about oral, anal, vagina sex, etc. On HBO that is fine, but on cable, it's pushing the envelope quite a bit)

Yeah, shocking, isn't it? Apparently you were watching, though. Why didn't you simply turn it off if you were offended?

quote:There is a serious difference here between historical relevance and bad taste. The above are in bad taste. By not showing SPR, it shows that ABC has no balls. If the FCC did fine them, there would be massive public backlash; showing the movie would have done nothing to their (ABC's) PR but helped it.

All it takes is one complaint.
The complaint also has to be relevant. I admit it's slightly arbitrary, but forgive me if I think a historically accurate film is more appropriate and more "immune" to complaints that Howard Stern.

Pushes the limits for cable? Uh-oh. You wanna start regulating that next? Then the internet? Then what?
Cable doesn't need as many regulations as public broadcasting. But certainly, especially in the ad examples I mentioned in my previous post, is inappropriate.

And the internet argument is getting tired, because it a.) cannot happen and b.) internet policing would be an internation thing? how would that work?

Beautiful. The first step towards censoring political content. I guess will all be watching only Mary Poppins soon

Just what this country needs. Five beaurocrats in Washington telling us what we can watch and listen to and what we can't.
A pure example of pointless left-side overkill. I'm talking about censoring programs inappropriate for minors, not taking away anyones 1st Amendment rights.