Melrose Park has a major Italian population (more so years ago obviously) hence the Outfit's presence there. One of Capone's lieutenants - Carlo Torraco aka "Charles Carr" was a mentor to Joey Aiuppa, who grew up next door to one of Torraco's stills on 14th Street in Melrose Park. Sam Battaglia used the Casa Madrid (25th & Lake) as his headquarters. In the 70s, Jackie Cerone used Rocky's Restaurant on North Avenue as his headquarters.

Melrose Park was likely territory that was split between crews - Grand Avenue guys like Louis Eboli operated there, as did northside or Cicero guys like Nick Ciotti and Joe Calato.

A lot of current Outfit heavies like Jonny Matassa, Albert Vena and the Dote brothers grew up and have strong roots in Melrose Park.