
Okay, here we go.

I think the FCC is fine in censoring Howard Stern, because he does cross the line frequently, however, I don't listen to him and also don't watch his show on E!. I think he is a degenerate prick, which I know will get me in trouble with HSIG, who I like, but oh well.

That being said, I think the FCC is moving in the right direction, but at the wrong things - I don't need to see this crap on my TV, such as a Viagra/Cialis/dick enhancer every 5 minutes, or an ad for a fucking tampon. It's rather tacky, and in my humble opinion, is quite intrusive.

And as long as we're at it, let's get ALL the fucking drug ads off the air, because they are quite annoying and pointless, since most don't even tell you what to do.

Continuing right along, there is quite a bit of things I find inappropriate (i.e. Sex in the City on TBS last night, talking about oral, anal, vagina sex, etc. On HBO that is fine, but on cable, it's pushing the envelope quite a bit).

There is a serious difference here between historical relevance and bad taste. The above are in bad taste. By not showing SPR, it shows that ABC has no balls. If the FCC did fine them, there would be massive public backlash; showing the movie would have done nothing to their (ABC's) PR but helped it.

I don't believe that the FCC would consider fines for the stations showing this movie the same way that it levied fines for the Janet Jackson Super Bowl mess.
I agree.

Do you find it at all disturbing that affiliates of ABC were afraid to show this movie out of fear of being fined by the FCC?
I think their fear was quite irrational, and their decision to not show the movie was foolish and hurt them more than anything else.

Do you find it at all disturbing that they have driven Howard Stern off the air and on to satellite radio?
No. If you feel the need to watch his X-rated foolishness, then pay for it, the same way you pay to watch The Sopranos or Sex in the City on HBO, or pay to watch adult channels on your cable/satellite. It doesn't belong on strictly public airwaves (radio or otherwise), and even pushes the limits of cable.

Do you find it at all disturbing the the five commissioners of the FCC, four of whom were appointed by President Bush, seem to be charting a course in which there will eventually be more censorship of the broadcast media, rather than less?
No, I don't. I don't need to see the latest Jihad pictures from Al Queda, or another shot of WTC coming down, or any other bullshit that they keep pushing down our throats on all the media, especially those leaning towards the left.