Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
[QUOTE]...I thought I said that he didnt have to go through this process all at once.He could have been out on the lake when his thought process finally wrapped up. If he had made the decision to run, he could have said,"Al, my jacket has a hole in it and I'm FREEZING (or something stupid like that)Lets do this some other time" and had Al pull the boat back around.
Point taken...but if he had had this 'thought process' once out on the lake, do you really think he'd accept it all and calmly drop his line into the water and recited that catch-a-fish Hail Mary while waiting for Al to pump the bullet?

OR...being so brave and accepting in your opinion, would he have simply turned to Al and said, "OK, I know what's going on and I'm ready so let's just get it overwith, please make it quick and paiinless...".


If you think either one then you clearly do not understand the character.

And again...once the boat hit the water there was no escape. Even if he figured it out (which he didn't) and came up with some lame excuse to end the trip early, Al would not have complied. He had a job to do and he was going to do it.


PS - Don Sonny Corleone...your theories are getting so ridiculous that I'm beginning to think you're just pulling my leg to keep responses coming.

Which if you are, is fine because the weekend is near and I'll soon be away from the board for a couple of days and...I've really been having fun with this thread!!

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.