I think the Five families aswell as other Organized crime families throughout the US are going to grow in numbers inasmuch that the Feds don't have them as an investigative priority. Sure they will make a bust here and there but the families wil grown in numbers and rackets. As long as people are willing to gamble, buy things out of the back of a trunck of a car. bid rig on job sites, are involved in Labor Uions, use drugs, loanshark you will have a Cosa Nostra.. According to Capeci the FBI has now three squads of small amounts of agents working in NY, were in the past the had one for every family. They are supposedly focusing more on Terrorism, white collar and Corruption. So whose watching the Hen house? I think they all have crawled under rocks and are going to grow in numbers. They are going to operate as the Secret Criminal Society that they are suppose to be. Just my theory!