The mob is pretty much finished,and the conditions that enabled it to wield the power and influence it had during it's heyday are gone forever.Much has been said about the younger generations of Italian Americans not having the desire (or need) to go into that life,as well as the fact that it's becoming less common to have a Father or Uncle or even a friend in the Mob.
I agree with Pizzaboy that New York (and maybe Chicago)are the last of the Mafia Mohicans,and when they're gone,turn out the lights.

The old rackets are also falling away.
The government has cut down on the control of Unions in many states.
Legalized Casinos have cut into the gambling revenues. If they ever let other state's Casinos operate sports books like in Vegas,fuggedaboutit. The football book alone will pull a lot of customers away.
Drugs are no longer as big a money earner.The old days of controlling the refining and smuggling of heroin and coke have given way to meth labs that pop up overnight,virtually everywhere and are controlled by 1%ers and street gangs.
If you're dealing H or weed or coke,chances are it's coming from a guy who gets around on a Harley,not a Lincoln.

Of course,there will always be smaller independent gangs,some of which may have an Italian or two in the ranks,but by and large,it's over.