Ive said this time and time again, the mafia is a business and money is power.

The FACT is that the Rizzuto family controlled a cocaine pipeline through the port of Montreal, a billion dollar enterprise over a decade.

Now like it or not this family earned more than the NY 5 combined. Purely through this pipeline. Not withstanding its monopoly on construction etc

So as much as people may not like it, when it comes to money, and hence power, the Rizzuto family (through drugs) dwarfs the NY 5.

Simple math guys. Like it or not.

MORGAN: Why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? I'm not goin' now, I'm eatin' my snack.
CHUCKIE: Morgan, Let's go.
MORGAN: I'm serious Chuckie, I ain't goin'.
WILL: So don't go.