Originally Posted By: trophydave
i acknowledge part of this post is not a response to the discussed topic of rizzuto power.

i think we have been taken in by the rizzuto myth. powerful yes, but not the almighty god the media and journalists have made him out to be. i would also point that much if not all media reports we read or hear about oc in canada (specially about toronto clans)is probably bullshit. good copy, sells papers etc. if that group who initially decided to work together, did not eventually turn on each other, rizzuto would have never regained his hold on Montreal.

born and raised in toronto (woodbridge) u tend to hears stories growing up of who is in control etc., from what i heard (could be bullshit) there are four powerful families in toronto
1. demaria clan
2. filiomengni clan
3. cammalleri family
4. campoli family

There is a certain amount of pageantry around Vito, especially now that he's dead. A powerful guy, yeah, but I agree that his reach may have been somewhat overestimated. Still, he's probably the most powerful mob figure in the last 15 years in North America.

I'd say the Sixth Family is a pretty accurate book, though, and a fantastic read for anyone wanting to know more.

Last edited by slumpy; 08/09/14 07:34 PM.