While the FBI failed to pick up anything useful from its Triangle bugs, agents monitoring the home phone of Federico “Fritzy” Giovanelli frequently heard the Genovese soldier joking with fellow gangster Frank “Frankie California” Condo about the dingy club. Condo would often gripe about having to stay in the chilly Triangle until nearly dawn because Gigante wanted company. He also complained that Gigante wanted to open the Triangle at 7 AM each day. “Wants to keep the fuckin’ joint night and day, night and day,” Condo said of the crime boss, who was notorious for cheating during card games at the club.

In one wiretapped conversation, Giovanelli laughed about a prank he had pulled days earlier at the Triangle. The mobster had gone to the club with a can of “fart spray,” which he released in the club. The odor, Giovanelli noted, “smells like a fuckin' broccoli fart! Broccoli shit.” His gag achieved the desired result, as Condo complained that the “fart spray” left him gasping for breath. Giovanelli recalled that Genovese soldier Ciro Perrotta, a Triangle regular, was also repulsed by the odor, and demanded to know, "Who the fuck shit?"

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.