I would agree that the punishments are certainly less stringent (some might argue more humane, but that's just me) it's not even open to debate that Canada is 'easier' on crime... But I disagree that they are any less effective at combating OC. You're wildly conflating. Just because they didn't take vito "down" (he's done time more than once in canada for crimes committed) sooner doesn't mean that they are inferior to the FBI by several orders of magnitude. More money doesn't necessarily equate to more effective. The truth is canada is a tiny nation of 32 million people. Our law enforcement is much smaller and thus requires much less funding.

it also doesn't mean that the Rizzuto family in general just wasn't good at what they did. Look at the history, no undercover infiltration, no rats/informants, etc... Now I'm not saying the "less than tough on crime" attitude of Canadian law doesn't make Canada an attractive location for organized crime but to simply toss the carefully cultivated secrecy of the Rizzuto family out the window because "its not america" is just stupid. Bottom line.[/quote]

I never said the Rizzuto Family was not effective in terms of power and wealth it amassed in Canada and around the world. I mean funding that bridge in Sicily? That was huge and it showed the scope of influence they exerted around the globe. And yes I agree Canada has 32 million people and requires less law enforcement.

That being said without having a similar RICO law in place, Canada cannot even come close to inflicting the same sort of damage on OC groups that the FBI did with cases like the Commission one. Like I said earlier you don't think a OC family like the Genovese could not have had just as productive and little punishment if it had been them operating out of Montreal?

So yes to disagree with you. I do believe the Rizzuto family being based in CANADA has allowed them to get away with a lot more crimes and murders than they would ever get away with than say if they were based in New York.

That is just me. And I respect your opinion.

Last edited by Primo; 08/08/14 07:37 AM.

I've walked along the red canal of mars
I've known kings and king makers
Poets painters and paupers
I've danced danced on the rings of Saturn
Still your pilgrim soul is the only thing that ever mattered