Originally Posted By: Primo
Originally Posted By: slumpy
Originally Posted By: Primo

Vito was not at as much risk of the FBI while operatin in Canada and outside of U.S borders.

because, you know, the FBI totally never surveilled his movements, never cooperated with Canadian law enforcement and certainly didn't play a role in his extradition to the Untied States to stand trial for his role in the three captains hit, NO sir!

He was free from the FBI monitering him as greatly and being able to use RICO against him. He was faced instead with Interpol and more importantly the Canadian government which is a lot less risky and punishing than the U.S. He had it much easier than someone like Massino trying to lead a mob family in New York

Yeah, instead of the FBI he had Canadian law enforcement to contend with, but, obviously they MUST be completely incompetent and inferior compared to the FBI, right? Who totally have a long illustrious career of NEVER, EVER fucking up. I mean, that could be the only POSSIBLE explanation for the "success" experienced by the Rizzuto family, right?

Do you even think about what you post? DO you just assume you know what you're talking about before making these asinine assumptions? That's a serious question. Enquiring minds want to know. Fucking baffling.

I'm going to admit right here that, yeah, it's annoying WHENEVER this subject comes up you get some half cocked american getting his undies all in a bunge because someone suggested something might have been done "better" elsewhere. Mostly because guys who do that are completely ignorant. Like, the fuck do you know about Canada other than: Hockey, cold, moose, and maple syrup? Probably dick all.

And I apologize to the majority of Americans on this board (and in general) who aren't dipshits. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. <3

Well considering I have lived the last 10 years in Canada and half my famly is from here, I would assume I know a little more than maple syrup, hockey etc. But that is just me.

And yea if you think the RCMP or the Canadian legal system comes down nearly as hard on criminals or has the resources that the Americans use to fight LCN then you are seriously mistaken.

Of course the U.S and Canada share info and work together on projects. I never said they didn't. Hence why the U.S was able to extradite Vito to the U.S to face trial in the 3 capo murders?

I would agree that the punishments are certainly less stringent (some might argue more humane, but that's just me) it's not even open to debate that Canada is 'easier' on crime... But I disagree that they are any less effective at combating OC. You're wildly conflating. Just because they didn't take vito "down" (he's done time more than once in canada for crimes committed) sooner doesn't mean that they are inferior to the FBI by several orders of magnitude. More money doesn't necessarily equate to more effective. The truth is canada is a tiny nation of 32 million people. Our law enforcement is much smaller and thus requires much less funding.

it also doesn't mean that the Rizzuto family in general just wasn't good at what they did. Look at the history, no undercover infiltration, no rats/informants, etc... Now I'm not saying the "less than tough on crime" attitude of Canadian law doesn't make Canada an attractive location for organized crime but to simply toss the carefully cultivated secrecy of the Rizzuto family out the window because "its not america" is just stupid. Bottom line.

Last edited by slumpy; 08/08/14 07:20 AM.