Mom Boucher was also on the streets engaging in a violent biker war for years before the police put him in prison. Quebec police didn't even really bother trying to bust up the OMC's war until public outrage was coming to a head after an 11 year old kid was killed by shrapnel from a car bomb. They'll generally let quite a bit slide so long as the public isn't grumbling.

Mom Boucher wasn't tagged with one charge, he was tagged with a huge laundry list of criminal offences and the evidence they brought against him was pretty substantial. But yeah, in general they are slow and some might argue ineffective. Then again Quebec is one microcosm of the nation, and to be frank, pretty different from the rest of the country. You don't see these cavalier organized crime syndicates acting so brazenly elsewhere for the most part.

Last edited by slumpy; 08/07/14 05:34 PM.