Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
Originally Posted By: njcapo35
If you talk to any LE authorities whether you dry snitch or plain ol' snitch your considered a rat...There is no two way street with that, point blank period..A rat is a rat

Amen, NJ. Look at Wayne Grande in Philadelphia. His whole family pronounced him dead. He testified against drug dealers in prison and could have walked if he testified against Scarfo and company. His own son. Dominic and brother Joseph don't even recognize him, When one of their parents died they didn't even listed Wayne as a relative in the obit!

Ok I see your point. Now answer me this, if Wayne Grande and Michael Franzese are on in the same then why did Wayn'e family disown him for being a rat and he is out hiding in wherever and Michael's family which includes his dad who is arguably one of the most hardcore LCN figures left and he will still see him?

Now back to your other point of Michael being a rat snitch against a jewish bookie and a black janitor. Am I correct that Michael Franzese made a shit ton of cash as a mobster? And last I checed Janitors do not make very much. Using that reason and the reasoning that also includes the fact his own LCN father will still sit and face him to this day, then wouldn't it be safe to assume that in a way to avoid worse punishment Michael Franzese used some of his many ill gotten gains and convinced a low level ookie and a janitor to possily do 1 or 2 years in exchange for a amount of $ that neither would of earned on the outside in return for helping him? And who knows maye he brokered the whole deal with the help and approval of his LCN family in a way to protect himself and others and maybe keep more of his earnings instead of losing more to seizure. He might of even given the right people a nice compensation package for his leaving and "ratting"

Who is to say they were not well compensated for their troule and not only that Michael Franzese too was able to walk away a lot easier in exchnge for "helping" the government with info.

You discredit his intellegience I think. Just because the governemnt says someone informed does it really mean he did anything?

What is better? Sending your best earning soldier to prison for a long time or 2 nobodies if you are in charge of a family?

All I am saying is is Michael Franzese is a America of Italian descent who became a gangster and did much better in the end than 99% of gangsters. And if you can find me any LCN figure who never bent or broke a ciminal rule such as ratting or one who did not ever fuck someone over in an attempt to help themselves than by all means I will say that that Italian American gangster is the best lol

Last edited by Primo; 08/05/14 11:32 PM.

I've walked along the red canal of mars
I've known kings and king makers
Poets painters and paupers
I've danced danced on the rings of Saturn
Still your pilgrim soul is the only thing that ever mattered