Originally posted by waynethegame:
I second Apple's opinion. There's nothing to suggest that Fredo knew his execution was coming.. the fact that his "secret" conveniently is reciting a Hail Mary is besides the point and serves to make us THINK he was aware.
i agree, i think fredo accepted his forgiveness during the embrace between him and michael. its hard to judge how much michael and fredo communicated between the moment of their mothers funeral and the murder of fredo.
anyone know if there was much that went on between them during that period? and how long of a wait it was between the funeral and fredos death?
either way, that murder was to top all murders. the murder of your own brother. as blind and clueless as fredo was in most situations, i dont think fredo would have ever believed that michael would actually commit to killing him.

In my home! In my bedroom, where my wife sleeps! Where my children come and play with their toys. In my home.