The conflict that fought on and on from 1964(with the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in the U.S. Senate) to 1975(with the fall of Saigon)....or actually 1945 to 1975(if you count the heavily American-bankrolled attempt by the French to re-colonize "French Indochina" that lasted about 9 years).

While this war left bitter memories and emotions, the great thing the war produced for people around the world were some pretty f*cking good movies. I mean the sub-genre of Vietnam Movies range from masterpieces like Francis Ford Coppola's APOCALYPSE NOW, classics like DEER HUNTER and PLATOON and FULL METAL JACKET, cheesy action films like the Chuck Norris film series MISSING IN ACTION, good action flicks like FIRST BLOOD, hokey as hell American patriotic propaganda like John Wayne's GREEN BERETS, and so on.

Now post your opinion as to what is the best Vietnam War movie is. My vote goes to APOCALYPSE NOW, though my personal favorite is one that many people feel is one of Stanley Kubrick's lesser films..........FULL METAL JACKET.

Now get posting before me and the rest of the platoon decide to frag ya!