Originally Posted By: Philip_Lombardo
English organized crime is non existent and the gangs are nothing but 'chavs' scumbags who walk around with baggy trousers half way down their ass with hoodys fake jewelry, wearing cheap knockoff trainers and 'caps ' with the brim pointed backwards, then to add insult to injury of english pride they call other people 'blud' and say isn't it as 'innit' and 'ay it' they then trash peoples property and litter everywhere and they then call themselves gangstersjust cause they get into fights with other chav groups but really their a bunch of fa***ts

I'm from uk

U know nothing about uk organised crime and the chavs your speaking of are low level street criminals to say the lease. Something
We find in every country all around the world

Go to NY and you'll find 90% of the criminals are low level thugs whereas the organised crime individual aren't many

Now as for UK, this thread is about organised crime. not street crime. I think you've confused yourself based on a lack of knowledge. I can safely say there are criminal networks/ organised crime in every culture seeing london especially is very multi- cultural

The reason u think it doesn't go on is because unlike America, the police here careless about organised crime since most groups are very secretive and hard to penetrate

Whereas in US the government pump
huge amount of money in battling organised crime

And that along brings much media attention ( which is one of the reasons they do it)

In uk, there's hardly ever any mention of organised crime in the news apart from the arrests of the Adams family (doesn't mean organised crime isn't going on) it is

Just because Terry Adams is the only one on the news u read about, again doesn't mean there aren't other equally influential gangsters

I'm very familiar with London's Chinatown and let me assure you there are some very low key but powerful individuals down there

They do not walk around dressed up as chavs like u put it. They wear suits. They have a structure just like any other mafia family with capos (they call them "big brothers" aka dai low )

And each dai low has a band of low level followers who carry out the dirty work

Now these soldiers if you like to call
It that, are the ones you'll read about in papers when they get caught with a crime

The one who orders it will never be identified (again doesn't mean he isn't there)

Head down to Haringey green lanes that's like the Turkish equivalent to mulberry street in its heyday

They have various mafia families down there who run the heroine trade

The Baybasin family have recently made headlines but most others skip the limelight and you'll never read about them either