Originally posted by Sermanni:
Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
[b] However, Fredo was not Tessio, not even close.... and quite frankly, his one 'noble' act (or at least as close to noble as Fredo could get) was hanging up on Johnny Ola that night he called for more information.

the Hail Mary story just clinch it for me

So what are you saying? He knew he was going to be killed while fishing? Because his story about 'Hail Mary' was told many days if not weeks before his death. So what he knew that was the way he was going to die, decided to Anthony about it & then just accepted his imminent death? Was this a sign to Anthony of what his father had done & was capable of? Bit farfetched, there was no way he knew, I’m betting even if Al said “let’s go fishing” before he reconciled with Michael that he would not have suspected a thing.