"Gestapo Bloomberg" smile love it.

Reminds me of another story.

I have a Grandson in Germany handsome Henry. I took the whole family to Germany to see his Baptism.

I also wanted to play stickball against what was left of the Berlin Wall. It was going to be my family against my son in laws family. We discussed it before we left. I explained the game to Jan my son in law.

I buy east Harlem shirts for,my team. I found a place to get hard spaldeens I think got it from EBay. I figure I can buy brooms there and use as stick ball bats

Get chalk to make a box strike zone on the wall.

I found a good place to play. The Gestapo head quarters was never torn down or bombed in WW2. They turned the building into for get what. It was like 300 yards from the old gate that separated east Berlin from west Berlin.

It had a narrow street for traffic to pass.

So now I wanted to go play. Going to put it on YouTube so my friends could see it.

Then all of a sudden no one wanted to do it. Is that fucked up or what bunch of punks. Afraid of getting arrested I guess. What is illegal about hitting a rubber ball at Gestapo head quarters.

It practically spoiled my whole trip.

I am hopping if I can make to Handsome Henry is 16 me and him can still do it. So I have not given up on doing it with him. He is 4 now so in another 12 years. That will make me only 86 yrs old.

only the unloved hate