It tends to vary from region to region in terms of activity on the street. I know from recent cases that the ABT in texas has a street presence thats significant. In california supposedly there is PEN1 that are a big name gang but yet you don't get that much street activity or arrests of them, i don't think they hold any turf, and are addicted to meth which is something a lot of these groups have in common.

Heres an interesting description of PEN1 from LA weekly.
Subservient to the Aryan Brotherhood, PEN1 is an Orange County-born gang whose members espouse pro-Nazi beliefs about white superiority, commit murders, assaults, burglaries and identity thefts, and consumes large quantities of methamphetamine.

PEN1 has its priorities, however. Its racist ideology doesn't trump getting high. (Sorry, Adolf Hitler.) They'll gladly befriend African Americans and Mexicans in control of sturdy drug pipelines.

I think ideology wise a lot of them do believe in white nationalist politics but like most gangs end up most often than not targeting and victimising their own.