Originally posted by Don Sonny Corleone:
[QUOTE]...after Tony was called back, I think he did have at least a slight thought, but he accepted it. Notice the way he says "Lets' go Al" What else was he going to do, run screaming off the boat and be shot in front of his nephew?
He had no idea.

When Connie called out that Michael wanted to take Anthony to Reno 'NOW', then Fredo was disappointed to have to let his nephew go but still interested in going fishing. So what was he going to say besides, 'Let's go, Al....'.

If Fredo had had even the slightest clue that this was all a setup he would not have had to run screaming but simply say to Al that he didn't feel like going without Anthony, would wait for another time, and get out of the boat. In that case, what would there be for Al to do? Even if Fredo appeared nervous and let on that he was suspicious, Al would not have been able to blow him away right then & there...!!! They had to be out on the lake where there would be little to clean up and the body could be easily dumped overboard.

Fredo didn't know, Michael and Al knew he wouldn't know, because they knew he thought he was now in the clear...and that was how they planned and accomplished the killing.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.