Oh, this thread is going to get me in the Christmas spirit! Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday, and I go all out for it every year. I set up tons of decorations indoors; I put up the lights outside; I bake various sweets; I go gift shopping; I make crafts as gifts; I listen to Christmas music, and I watch Christmas movies! I suppose I start watching around Thanksgiving, unless some are aired sooner. Thanksgiving is sort of my passage into the Christmas season. I love watching the Macy's Parade on TV, and that's around the time my mom finally allows me to put up the tree, etc. (I played Jingle Bell Rock about a month ago just to annoy her... :p ) Anyway, there's tons of good Christmas movies, but these are some that I've personally enjoyed:

- A Christmas Story
(This is a true classic; it never gets old)

- Christmas Every Day
(Possibly a Disney movie, but one of my favs when I was younger)

- The Christmas List
(I think this comes on the Family Channel a lot...it's really good.)

- The Grinch
(I really liked the Jim Carrey one, but the classic cartoon that always comes on is the best! It just gets me feeling warm and fuzzy!)

- It's A Wonderful Life
(I always knew this was supposed to be a classic, and when I finally saw it, I loved it.)

- Home Alone
(I love 'em! Who doesn't? )

- National Lampoon
(These are always funny...mix in Christmas, and it's awesome! lol)

I also really want to see Polar Express! I remember reading that book in the 5th grade, (I'm a sophomore, now) and it just brings back good memories...and I love Tom Hanks, so I'm sure it'll be wonderful!

Oh, the holidays! I never should've let myself get started!
