Originally posted by Roach028:
.. another thing im not sure about, which is were Neri and Fredo that close to be going fishing in the first place? I think he knew and just accepted it, it was just ironic that it happened while he was sayin his Hail Mary...
First of all, I never considered Fredo & Neri fishing pals. Neri was after all, a trusted employee of the family and at that point probably had taken Fredo and Anthony on many a fishing trip out on the lake. I would guess was there predominantly to operate the boat.

And with regard to the Hail Mary, you might recall an earlier scene (and a previous fishing trip) where Fredo tells Anthony that this was a trick he had to catch more than his brothers, when they went out fishing as boys with their father. So I guess we can gather from that that he recited the prayer EVERY TIME he went fishing, not just this once before getting shot in the back of the head.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.