I think Ivy is pretty close to the mark. When Scott makes those lists he includes made guys, guys he thinks might be made,and guys he knows are not made, but are players in the family, including some non-Italians.

In addition to Scott, there are two other people who occasionally post that are from the Detroit area, and who seem fairly knowledgeable. When you read someones posts for a long period you can usually tell who's full of it, and both these guys seem pretty legit. Both of them feel that the Detroit family has 28-30 made guys, and that 8-10 of them are old and retired or semi-retired. This was before Tocco died, implying at most 20 active made guys, maybe a couple less.

As far as them making 20 guys, there is no indication of that. Scott himself says that Tocco made a batch early in the century when he go out of prison, and another batch in 2006-2007. He believes that they have not made any since then.
He recently posted that there are a half dozen guys that are sons or nephews of made guys that could be made, but that they are short of other suitable recruits.

As far as them being under the radar. There is some indication that the local papers report gambling type arrests as individual arrests, rather than connecting them to the Detroit Family. Beyond that, to say that they are involved in drugs, extortion, or street tax and are so clever that they never get arrested is ridiculous.

If you run a drug operation long term, people get arrested. There is no such pattern of arrests. Obviously this does not preclude individual made guys from financing drug buys from a safe distance, but they could not be running them without arrests, period.

At least theoretically you could collect from strip clubs and
independent bookies as long as it was low key, not too much money, and actually offered a service, IE protection from anyone else in the case of strip clubs, or an effective layoff service to the bookies. Even that would have to be semi-voluntary with moderate amounts, or someone would get scared and go to the fed, and there would be arrests. There have been no such arrests.

If you look at the whole of what little we know, these guys mostly own legitimate or semi-legitimate businesses, mainly bars,restaurants,strip clubs, car dealerships and construction companies. They run gambling and low key shylocking operations and probably launder some of the money through their businesses. Individual made guys may well be involved in other things, but if their was a lot more going on there would be more arrests.

IMHO I think IVY is placing a little too much emphasis on lack of OC identified arrests in the case of Detroit, because they are certainly a unique family in many ways. Nonetheless I see no evidence from any credible source that he is very far off, either. Even Scott says that he doesn't see a long term future for this family due to a lack of suitable recruits. If anyone has any evidence to the contrary I would genuinely like to hear it.