Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121

So, Scott Burnstein...who has written several critically acclaimed books and has done articles and videos for reputable news sites, just made up some names and put them on a list out of nowhere?

I forgot, Ivyleague of the internet is the end all be all.

No, he didn't make up names. But I do think he compiles these charts which include guys who it really hasn't been verified are made. In other words, he includes not only members but just about anyone who could possibly be a member. It's why his charts have varied so much going back to 2006. I figure he does the best he can with what he has to work with, and he does provide info that we wouldn't have otherwise, but his throwing every name up on those charts (showing anywhere from 30-60 members) has led to a lot of confusion and arguments. It seems those who want Detroit to have 40 or 50 members are quick to put all their eggs in the Burnstein basket and ignore everything else.

Thats where you are wrong. I don't "want them to have 50 or 60 members" I could care less how many members they have, they could have 5, or 500 and it would make no difference to me.

But when it comes to whos word I tend to lean towards when it comes to Detroit information, I take Scotts word as he has FBI contacts in Detroit and other sources as well, and isn't some random BS artist poster from Detroit that pretends to be in the know to seem cool.