Anthony Loria "Tony" was definitely Purple back in the early days and got his start in "business" up in East Harlem...His brother in law, Alfred Perillo ("Freddy Clutch") was made and was in the trenches with Joe Cargo (Valachi)...Perillo gave Loria his start. Loria then moved to "The Neighborhood" (187th & Arthur Ave) and set up shop. One time when the bulls tried to make a bust at Perillo's house, Loria tossed all the dope and guns out the window. He took the whole rap and all the heat. Eventuality, the case was overturned on appeal for "illegal search & seizure" and basically set forth the way the 4th Admendment is used til this very day and is often cited in case law. ***The Court of Appeals in People v. Loria (10 N.Y.2d 368)*** ...Perillo died, Valachi fliped and Loria hooked up with Vinny Papa, Johnny Dio, & Virgil Alesi. They were selling the "French Connection" babania that they were stealing from the NYPD property room. (As everyone knows, there are many theories on how that was actually done and by whom, and I'm sure a whole seperate thread can be filled by those thoughts...However, for now, lets just say Papa was the "ace in the hole", with Loria, Alesi , Louis Cirillo and a couple other main players) As that dope was flowing freely from the property room on Broom Street, Loria moved to Castle Hill and then out to Long Island..In late 60s & early70s, Papa who was based in Astoria, was supplying all the stolen French Connection dope in major to a variety of dealers. But the biggest chain was with Loria and Alesi. With Papa as the main vein of supply, they would do major swaps at Loria's house out in North Babylon. Alesi would take his dope back to his various spots in the city. Loria, now in total charge of the heroin flow on Long Island would then supply to a chain of dealers who took it to street level. Some of his junk wound up in the arm of a guy named Burke from Islip, NY who was supplied by Angelo Paradiso (a dealer who got his supply from Loria). Burke overdosed and this brought heat on the Loria organization from the investigators on the bottom level. Meanwhile, Papa was catching heat from the feds and Cirillos yard was being dug up showcasing a million cash. So with heat comming from the top with the Feds, and comming from the bottom with local Suffolk County dicks, the "trail" led to Loria's home. Eventually, they busted Paradiso, who gave up everbody and their mothers up....This whole saga was explained in detail in The Heroin Trail, by NY Newsday..I recommend it if you haven't read it.

As for supplying the blacks, one of Loria's customers was Mr. HUFF. He used to drive out to Loria's house in his big Cadillac, blinged with gold and diamonds everywhere! He supplied alot of areas in The Bronx and Harlem.....So yes, no matter how many times they try to say The Goombah's had nothing to do with the blacks, they are mistaken. Madonna, Loria, and Cirillo all supplied the blacks.

Even though Papa & Loria were not made, they certainly had the attention of every boss and skipper around, and nobody fucked with them, not even the Dons..They were for real! Serious and dangerous as can be...Ah, the good old days

Tom, can you get me off the hook? For old times sake...... Can't Do It Sally