And here are a few things to consider that prove (or at least should make you question) he is full of shit:

-He refers to Spucky as Anthony Spangnola. His name is Spagnolo with an O, not an A. Everyone knows this
-He says that Spucky was warring with Frddie Simone in 05. Impossible. Freddie was back in jail by 03
-He says that Spucky was a captain when he got out of prison which would have been 99 I believe. He made captain in 07.
-He claims to have gone head to head with Anthony Barry and AB backed off out of fear and respect. AB was the lowest of the low and will die in prison where he belongs but one thing he never did was fear or respect anyone. If Mark went "head to head" with AB, he'd be dead like the handful of others who did. For fucks sake, AB and his buddy killed a kid outside a bar because he looked at them wrong.
-He claims he left the life after being made, worked at the airport then jumped back in without missing a beat. Preposterous!

And last but not least, let's not gloss over the fact that he says the feds were all over him and "renting space in his head" in 05 about his illegal activity. In his book, he admits to everything they were accusing him of but he's never been charged? You know why? Because it's all bullshit! Do you think if the book was true, the feds would have let him off the hook?

I can go on all day about the bullshit this clown spewed. How many more examples do you want? Those were just the ones that were fresh in my head. If I read the book again I'm sure I could come up with a dozen more that I forgot about.

Last edited by Little_Frankie; 07/16/14 10:02 AM.