PB, I couldn't find anything that "One Eyed Jack" was made up on the internet


BY MIKE MCALARY NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, July 31, 1995, 12:00 AM A A A

JACK HAS become the talk of the newsroom and the passion of the underworld. Federal agents are desperate to find him before the mob does. There has never been a character like him in the crime business, an informant who writes letters to newspapers. He is a passionate young man, who seems to have a sense of right and wrong. The FBI is developing a personality profile. City detectives in the Bronx are doing the same thing. FBI agents call him Jack. He gave himself the name when he wrote his first letter to them two years ago. He quit the agents for the Daily News and began writing to me about 10 months ago. He has written a dozen letters now, filled with accurate information on a violent gang tied to the Genovese family. He needs a mob name. Jack is too simple, too ordinary. He types his letters. It is a painfully slow process. So in deference to his agonizing, painful typing skills, we call our agonizing insider One-Eyed Jack. The FBI believes he should sleep with one eye open. This can go one of two ways, everyone agrees. One-Eyed Jack can either turn himself in through the newspaper or die killed by the mob once he is found out. He handles assignments quite well. One-Eyed Jack has investigated a couple of murders for us, and even wound up inside the Jacob Javits crew. We are all wondering about motive. I have even asked One-Eyed Jack about that. Why does he hate the mob specifically a gang of Bronx and Yonkers thugs who call themselves the Tanglewood Boys? One-Eyed Jack typed out his answer in a letter three weeks ago. As for you question about my motive. I believe in killing or Beating our own. This means if a guy wants to be a wise guy, then be ready to die like a wise guy. Murder for me is simple. No remorse. When innocent people like Louis Balancio get killed, they cross the line. I did not know Louis but Know he did not deserve to die. people have been killed in other bars accidently. A fight breaks out and so does a gun. It is not right. We are deluged now with letters from the Bronx. Everyone wants to give information on the Tanglewood Boys. The attention is not good for the mob. The murder of Louis Balancio has been unsolved for more than a year now. One-Eyed Jack named Freddie Boy Santorelli, the son of a Bronx gangster, as the murderer and leader of the Tanglewood Boys, even before the federal and state investigators settled on him as their prime suspect. In the Bronx, the investigation of the murder of Paul Cicero, 17, is progressing. One-Eyed Jack has given us right-on information in both cases. He wants to assist in a federal racketeering case against the gang. Some theorize the gang robbed him. He is seeking revenge, they believe. Others think One-Eyed Jack is just trying to insure that the government treats him fairly when he turns himself in. They believe One-Eyed Jack is a killer, too. He has never used much emotion in his letters. So his new one, received on Monday, is a strange one. We have been through a dozen cases so far, and he goes back to the first one again, the unresolved killing of Louis Balancio in Yonkers. Last week the mothers of the dead kids Balancio and Cicero met in the Bronx. They cried together. Against that backdrop, One-Eyed Jack writes: Please forward this portion of the letter to the Balancio family. Dear Jeff & Dorothy, My heart goes out to you and your entire family. I could have Freddie Santorelli locked up tomorrow for the murder of you son. A jury would never give him a guilty charge of murder. At best, he would get manslaughter and be out in five years. . . . I have discussed this with an attorney and he agrees. This is why I will get him (Freddie) and his entire crew on federal racketeering charges. This will put him away for the rest of his life as he knows it. Freddie is the murderer of your son. Fact. As hard as it may seem, forget about prosecuting him on that. Let's put him away for life. Freddie Santorelli, the son of a Luchese soldier, has always been the target in the Balancio killing. Last month, when his buddy Darin Mazzarelli was shot 14 times, he went on the lam. He is now staying in Puerto Rico, the FBI knows, with his girlfriend, Tracy Copisotto. She is his alibi, investigators believe, for the night of the murder. She will say she was in a hotel with him. But that story has huge holes in it, they say. In the meantime, we have the plight of One-Eyed Jack to consider. We all have our theories about who he is and what he wants. He has become an obsession. And then he sits down in front of the typewriter again and begins pounding. It is not easy. He can't type. He can't spell. But his information is always right on. Maybe he is a killer. Maybe he is as bad as the guys he's writing about.