I'm 30 years old, so I have basically grown up with Derek jeter, my memory of Yankee baseball before him is limited. So it feels like the last connection to my childhood is retiring this year. I will always be a yankee fan, but it will never be the same after this season. I'm happy I was able to take my son to a game this year so when he's older he can tell people I saw DJ play.

As far as where he ranks in Yankee history... he can never crack the top 5 with Ruth Gehrig, Mantle, Dimaggio and Berra (people forget how good he was because of his larger than life personality). Jeter and Mo come next.

But Jeter certainly is this generations Dimaggio , and we should all be thankful to have watched him play.

As far as the comparison to Rose...I would imagine they compare favorably, however Jeter played only one position for one team...something to be said for that in my opinion.

Last edited by Shamm11375; 07/16/14 05:23 AM.